Monday, February 22, 2010

Somber Spring Moment

Gentle child of radiant light Eostre’s kiss upon thy brow 
 Stretching limbs of green and white 
 As leaves appear on every bough 
 Sweet and gentle breeze of spring 
 Caress awake the flowers blooms 
 Returning birds in thine ears ring 
 As gentle rains do kiss the tombs 
 Of Ancients who have gone before 
 Mothers, Fathers, kin and friend 
 Names recalled in mind and lore 
 To guide us through to winter’s end 
 Where art thou, my love, my life? 
 Gone as with the snow and gloom. 
 Whence will thee return, my wife? 
 When death becomes your patient groom.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Imbolc with Silver Falls Grove

The interrelationships between the Groves in ADF is an interesting phenomenon to behold. I've had the privilege of attending my first non-3CG Grove Rite for Imbolc with Silver Falls Grove in Akron. Several of us Crane-kin traveled together to attend this rite, and to my happy surprise, there were a few folks down from StoneCreed, as well! Seeing everyone I haven't seen in months made me realize just how much I miss everyone.

I was the Bard for this rite, uh, -ish. I could have done a much better job, but I worked the night before and was a bit frazzled from driving and lack of sleep. Still, it was a beautiful rite, and I left feeling warm and content. I really enjoyed meeting the folks of SFG, and I am very pleased to say that I will also be attending Spring Equinox with them.

Snow is falling now, but one thing is certain, Spring is coming. I can feel it in my bones. I have seen the bits of green trying their best to make it through the snow and cold, and I know the Earth is stirring. It won't be long now.