For years now, we have been hosting monthly full moon services, more than half of which have been done virtually. The keeping of sacred time is not one to be taken lightly, and even when we don't mark the passage of time, time passes nonetheless.
The gift of the cadence of monthly services has helped me to find markers between high days to keep my heart open and ready. It has given me needed guidance from that which is hidden that I may serve the folk more fully in the celebration of that which is clear.
In honor of the sacred timekeeper, I offer this prayer:
On this Full Moon night,
we call out to you,
Sacred and Shining Moon,
Bright face of the starry night sky
Illuminating our paths through the unknown, and
Guiding us on our journeys.
Sacred and Shining Moon,
Bright face of the starry night sky
Illuminating our paths through the unknown, and
Guiding us on our journeys.
Bring to fullness within us the cadence of cycles,
Even those small and unwavering.
Remind us of the passing, of the coming and going,
Ebbing and flowing,
As reflected in the ebb and flow of Ocean upon the Land.
Heavenly Timekeeper, Sacred Moon,
Show us the way forward through the darkness
Toward what we need for the month ahead.
Sacred Moon, we honor you!
Show us the way forward through the darkness
Toward what we need for the month ahead.
Sacred Moon, we honor you!