Thursday, January 31, 2019

Prayer to Brighid of the Forge Fires

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Lady Brigantia, Keeper of the Forge!
You whose flames make the metals of earth malleable.
You whose fire burns away the dross.
You whose kiln turns our clay into fine, ceramic pottery.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Stoke the fires of transformation within us
That our fears may melt away.
Fan the flames surrounding us
That our courage may rise within.
Burn away the brush before us
That our path may be made clear.
Brighid of the Forge Fires, we honor you.
Brighid of the Forge Fires, ignite within us
The flames of transformation.
Drench us in the white-hot flames,
Clear away the impurities that rise to the surface,
And shape us anew that we may become better versions of ourselves.
Brighid of the Forge Fires, we honor you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Prayer to Brighid of the Harp and Quill

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Goddess of Creation’s Fire, Inspiration’s Muse,
Brighid of the Harp and Quill, we honor you.
You whose fire ignites the wick in our heads,
Lead us to inspired thought.
You who alights the music in our hearts,
Lead us to sacred song.
You who draws holy-awen’s breath into our lungs
That we may breathe out inspired words,
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Lady Brighid, we ask for your blessings:
Bless our words that they may be gifts to those who hear them.
Bless our hands that their music may bring others to the fire.
Bless our hearts that we may receive your holy inspiration.
Brighid of the Harp and Quill, we honor you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Prayer to Brighid of the Healing Waters

Holy Water, Sacred Flame, 
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here. 
Lady of the Sacred Well, 
You whose waters invigorate our spirits.
You whose waters comfort our hearts.
You whose waters bring healing to our bones.
Guardian of the Sacred Well,
Brighid of Healing, we honor you.
Lady Brighid, purify our hearts.
Bathe us in the holy waters, kissed by your healing presence
That we be made pure enough to pass through the sacred.
Wash us in the purifying elixir of the well
That we be made sacred enough to attain the holy
Bring your holy cup to our lips that we may be blessed in all things.
Brighid of the Healing Waters, we honor you.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Prayer to Brighid of the Mantle

Holy Water, Sacred Flame, 
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here. 
Brighid of the Mantle, Lady of the Lambs, 
You who shields us within your cloak
You who protects us from harm.
Lady of the Spear, bearing the orb of victory,
War-crowned maiden, we honor you.
Defend us against those who wish to harm us
That we be not slain nor wounded.
Shelter us from weather and war
That we be not rent asunder.
Protect us from the flames of anger
That we be not burnt or broken.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Brighid of the Mantle, embrace us in your arms.
Keep us safe through the dark of night and raging storms, and 
Guide us to find safe harbor in the tumultuous seas 
That we may find our foundation and strength once more.
Brighid of the Mantle, we honor you.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Prayer to Brighid of the Cowless (Brig Ambue)

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Brig Ambue, Brighid of the Cowless,
With humility and grace, we call to you.
You, who dwell on the outskirts,
Holding those with nothing of their own to hold,
Bringing light into the darkness beyond our fires,
Purifying those who wish to return to the warmth of community.
Brig Ambue, we honor you.
Guide those of us with to give to those without
To fight against food and housing insecurity.
Bring us the enlightnenment of understanding
To accept those who are differently abled.
Strengthen our courage and resolve
To prepare us to stand against injustice.
Brig Ambue, we honor you.
Brig Ambue, purify our hearts and minds,
Soften our rigid ideals, and
Guide us to forgive others and ourselves,
As we walk the Elder Ways together,
Creating inclusive spaces where true healing may arise.
Brig Ambue, we honor you.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Prayer to Brighid, Foster Mother

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Foster Mother, caring parent to all,
You who comforts us in our sorrows,
You who shares in our laughter and joy
And feels pride in our successes.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Send your love to cover us
That we may blanket others with our love.
Bring us peace when we are alone
That we may bring companionship to others.
Fill us with the knowledge of our inherent worth
That we may recognize the worth in others.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Brighid, Foster Mother, love us as your own.
Teach us the peace of self-compassion,
Through your gentle, guiding hands and quiet strength,
That our sense of hope may be restored.
Brighid, Foster Mother, we honor you.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Prayer to Brighid, Sacred Midwife

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Goddess of midwifery, toil, and strife.
You who champions the labor of our renewal.
You who moistens our brows
And guides us toward the light of new beginnings.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Turn our faces to the sun
That we may open as new blossoms in the spring.
Toil with us in our sacred work,
That we may bring our good deeds to fruition.
Aid us in letting go that we may begin again.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Brighid, Midwife, keep us strong and determined.
Help us to persevere and
Aid us in our unbearing
As we walk the Elder Ways together,
Bringing new life to the world around us.
Brighid, Midwife, we honor you.