Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Stakeholders of the Study Programs

The three primary stakeholders of the ADF study programs are:

1. The Students: The folks who are actively enrolled and completing the coursework are the direct recipients of the program, and as such, they are the most important stakeholder group. Their role is critical in understanding what the program is and is not providing to them during their learning. For example, as a trainer ritualist, I can write courses regarding cosmology, comparative mythology, and bardic arts in religious ceremonies. For me, these are all useful topics. The students are the ones who will be able to tell me whether or not these courses are in line with their expectations, are written for the appropriate audience (meaning there is not assumed knowledge that they do not possess), and are relevant to the overall objectives of the program.

2. The Reviewers: The Reviewers are the second group of stakeholders and the people who grade the submissions. In order to become a reviewer, one must have completed the program themself. When we propose changes, we must ensure the reviewers are up-to-date with the knowledge they will need to grade the coursework, especially for the courses that are more subjective and do not currently have rubrics. They are also the people who work directly with the students and are therefore the logical choice for exit interviews with each completion to survey the students. I truly believe having survey questions is imperative, since so much of our study programs are done in an online format.

3. Dedicated Congregants/Local Leadership: ADF is a series of local churches known as groves that all fall under the umbrella of the parent organization. The dedicated congregants and local leadership team are the folks most affected by the success of these study programs. Since these programs also serve as our training programs, the quality of religious services is affected by the effectiveness of the coursework. If a course of study on leading temple services does not provide all the skills a person needs to perform this duty, the congregants will suffer the consequences. It would be prudent to ask these folks what it is they want to see in their religious leaders and adjust our programs accordingly. After all, the purpose of all of this is to serve these folks. They need a voice.

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