Monday, August 8, 2022

Prayer to My Allies, Elevation Service

I have landed upon some language based on the words that live in my heart for each of the Beings I name in these prayers. These are the chief allies among the Kindreds, and it brings me honor to share these words I have written on their behalf:

I first call to the Lady of the Hall, to Freyja of the Vanir,
Mistress of the chosen, honored dead,
Brising-Magic Maiden of Seidhr and Foresight,
Strongest and Most Courageous of Women, Valkyrie, Mardoll, 
Falcon-cloaked weeper of gold, I honor you.
I thank you for teaching me to trust in my own abilities.
I thank you for teaching me the strength of empathy and tears.
I thank you for teaching me the importance 
of self-compassion and confidence,
And I offer my gratitude and continued awe for joining me in the work of serving the folk.
Lady Freyja, accept my offering!

I call out to the Goddess of the Crossroads, to Hekate, 
Brimo Trimorphos, Daughter of Astaria and Perses,
Enodia, Propylaia, Antaia,
Torch-Bearing Maiden of Land, Sea, and Sky, I honor you.
I thank you for opening the ways before me.
I thank you for guarding my back as you journey alongside me.
I thank you for guiding me along the paths of Our Druidry toward fellowship and magic,
And I offer my gratitude and continued awe for joining me in the work of serving the folk.
Hekate Phosphorus, Nata Thektis! Hekate, accept my offering!

I call out to Lady Brighid by many of her names:
Brighid of the Mantle, Brighid of the Cowless,
Brighid of the Healing Waters, Brighid of the Forgefire,
Birghid of the Harp and Quill, Brighid of Initiation and Prophecy,
Brighid, Sacred Midwife and Foster Mother, I honor you.
I thank you for granting inspiration and creativity, O Cauldron of Wonder.
I thank you for teaching me the magic of healing and vitality, O Well of Wisdom.
I thank you for the gifts of transformation and becoming, O Keeper of the Sacred Flame,
And I offer my gratitude and continued awe for joining me in the work of serving the folk.
Lady Brighid, accept my offering!

I call out to the Earth Mother, our foundation and strength, Great Nurturer and Sustainer,
She who upholds us and provides for all our needs;

I call out to the Ancient Wise, the Poets, Magicians, and Priests of Old,
Those who long ago forged the paths I now tread;

And I call out to the Gatekeepers, the Keepers of Keys, 
Openers of Ways, Guides and Guardians of the Ways Between,
Those who aid us in finding our place among the realms.

You are my chief allies among the Kindreds:
You have humbled and strengthened me.
You have guided and warded me.
You have burned and purified me.
You have remained by my side as I have striven to do the Work of the Wise.
For all your aid, I offer my full honor and thanks.
Allies, Kindreds All, accept my offerings!

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