Monday, March 22, 2010

Opening the Gates

I've long been considered a Bard, and it was only a few months ago that mere mention of me attempting a magical act would have been met with much hearty laughter. Well, after today, I don't think folks will laugh anymore. :) Look ma! I've grown!

I traveled to the Silver Falls Grove, ADF, Spring Equinox Rite to Persephone and Demeter this year. Since I am a Hellene and have been working with the two individuals who were leading this rite, I was honored with the role of Opening the Gates. When they decided on Hekate as the Gatekeeper Deity, they agreed that it would be highly appropriate to ask me to fill this role. I've had extensive experience opening the gates at home, of course, but this was my first public high day!

I began with a short meditation introducing Hekate to the folk, which ended up being much shorter than I had planned, since I forgot a lot of the words. I found I had to make myself speak out loud. Apparently, when I open the gates at home, I don't always speak the actions, I just act them out. I learned a lot about drawing energy from the Two Powers--and about blocking out the often chaotic energy coming from the folk. I fear that with my major talents lying elsewhere--and with so many talented people more suited for this role in my own Grove, I will not be getting much practice opening the gates in public. Shame, really. I rather enjoyed it. :)

I was also very excited about the toning working we did for a young girl who had been missing for three days. I invoked Demeter and Hekate, asking for clarity of vision, perseverance, guidance and protection. I also pretty much just said, "Hekate, guide her home safely." We did the toning work, and I sent the raised energy out as we all focused on a photo of her. I got word several hours later that she had been found. I do not think our act alone is what saved her, because there were a lot of folks praying for her and sending her good energies, or whatever their words are for this work. But I say with joy in my heart that I am so glad she is home safe. Heh. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Happy Spring!

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