Consecration, for me, is an initiation into the deeper mysteries of the clergy work we do on behalf of the folk of ADF and the polytheist community. I am oath-bound to continuing my studies in the programs of ADF, and this is but the next step is honoring my promise to the Kindreds and the folk.
How have the specializations you chose within the CTP prepared you for the deeper work of an ADF Consecrated Priest?
I completed the entirety of courses offered at this level. One of the things I feel drawn toward is mentoring, and in order to be able to speak intelligently to others, I must study not only the things that are important to me, but those that will make me a better servant to those with whom I study.
Were I to choose two courses that I feel are the most representative of my personal calling, I would choose Leadership Development and Professional Helper. These courses cover the skillset that I see as my biggest strength. As an administrative priest, these courses are ideal for the demeanor of one who offers these services, and I am hoping to assist in developing additional courses for our priests in the area of Leadership Development with the potential to offer additional courses to the membership, as well.
What does your inner work look like? How has your inner work prepared you for greater outer work with the community of ADF?
My inner work is quiet—far quieter than one might think when considering how extroverted I am. One of areas I have developed since ordination is in my ability to remain quiet in the presence of the Kindreds and allow them to speak back to me rather than expecting them to listen while I make offerings and then leaving before there is time for us to commune. This practice in active listening has opened my world in terms of relating to others within the community.
I have also been relating to local-centric beings, and this has allowed me to better connect to the Kindreds when traveling. A happy byproduct of this work is that my ability to connect with the allies of those with whom I am working has improved. I am more able to provide divination and healing through the allies of those who seek my assistance.What further skills would you like to develop as an ADF Consecrated Priest, and how will these skills help grow Our Druidry?
In my next phase of study, I would like to work more to develop my ability to speak with the clergy of other faiths. I have done a small amount of interfaith work, but without a degree in religious studies, there is quite a gap between us. In order for us as polytheists to be taken more seriously as peers by those with a Master of Divinity degree, we must be able to speak to them at that level of education. Studying comparative religion and theology are the two items to which I am looking forward the most.
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