Saturday, January 26, 2019

Prayer to Brighid, Foster Mother

Holy Water, Sacred Flame,
Lady Brighid, we seek your presence here.
Foster Mother, caring parent to all,
You who comforts us in our sorrows,
You who shares in our laughter and joy
And feels pride in our successes.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Send your love to cover us
That we may blanket others with our love.
Bring us peace when we are alone
That we may bring companionship to others.
Fill us with the knowledge of our inherent worth
That we may recognize the worth in others.
Lady Brighid, we honor you.
Brighid, Foster Mother, love us as your own.
Teach us the peace of self-compassion,
Through your gentle, guiding hands and quiet strength,
That our sense of hope may be restored.
Brighid, Foster Mother, we honor you.

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